Sunday, January 18, 2009

Atwood and You

"Unlike those authors who peter out after a burst of early brilliance, Margaret Atwood’s creative powers show no sign of diminishing. She is a unique talent. Astonishingly versatile and prolific, she has exquisite timing, a formidable narrative gift and a lyricism enlivened by a natural deadpan wit."
-- Garan Holcombe, 2008

There is much to appreciate in Atwood's poetry, which makes her a prime candidate for our Detailed Study unit. Although we are limited in the time we will be discussing her in class, her poetry will stay with you long after you think you are done with the poetic encounter. This Contemporary Writers' website will help you gain a bit more insight into her life and her works. Her personal website is a treasure trove of all things Atwood for those who wish to go beyond the text for their own pleasure.

John Donne was good about showing us the infinite, Robert Frost we could count on for the natural, but Margaret Atwood may cause us to dig deeper and discover not what is outside of ourselves, but what is inside. It may not always be comfortable, but it sure is thought-provoking. I leave you with her words:

You Fit Into Me

You fit into me
like a hook into an eye

a fish hook
an open eye

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